Friday 7 July 2017

Inceptor Primaris - On the Painting Block

Hey all,

So I'm off to Chicago for a week from tomorrow so its going to be another quiet old month from me on the blog. Sadly not for holiday but to attend a work conference, and as Serena is unwell I'd really rather not be going, but this is a fairly important conference and I'm presenting some exciting new stuff so ho-hum. 

Previously I've shown you the predominantly red/orange (reranged?) Primaris paint scheme, this is actually just the scheme for the sergeant ranks and above, the rank and file will have the inverse scheme of being primarily a dark dull grey with the reranged applying to the point plates. 

This inceptor also shows off where I am going with the bases, I am particularly pleased with the stone painting. I still need to add some varied foliage to the base for contrast, but its nearly there. I have discovered with this scheme that I am pretty much going to be painting them one at a time, as the style and colours are really tricky for me to grasp, so its going to be a slow burn army. Hopefully that should be offset by the Wraith Army coming that has a luxuriously simple scheme!! 

I'm very pleased with this chap overall so far, just need to crack on with the jump pack and head and then I think I might enter him into the monthly painting competition that GW hold on facebook. This months category is models from Dark Imperium and I'd like to show him off a little :)

Peace out,



  1. Like it, and you've avoided the ballet or slipping on a puddle look to the rather awkward pose of the legs. Nice inverted scheme.

    1. The rocks give it a bit of dynamism lost with the weird floaty stem things

  2. Nice work, really like that colour scheme!

    1. Still fiddling with it, but the finished chap should be up shortly :)

  3. Good stuff pal, I'm thinking of putting my Gravis captain into that too so I'll see you there, haha!

    Hope the good lady feels better soon!

    1. She's much better now thanks :) I was thinking of doing the Gravis Captain, but the speed at which I'm painting these I didn't think he'd get done in time :/

  4. Sorry to hear your lady love is unwell; traveling for work when you are needed at home really sucks. I love your new colour scheme! Great job with the rock as well, I know how hard it is to make them look natural and you have done wonderfully, bravo!

    1. Thanks Marc :) I'm hoping the scheme will really pop in numbers as well. Yay rock praise!

  5. Looking good! I do like schemes that get inverted for certain Models/Units. Hopefully it will get easier for you as you get more practice in with it.

    1. I hope it does as well, just swamped with other painting right now, I dearly want to dedicate all my time to this, but life and commissions do not allow!
