Monday 29 January 2018

Sons of Wrath - Sergeants Scheme - Mmmm Orange

Good afternoon everyone,

So after showing you the very early stages of my Primaris Sergeants that looked pretty rough and grubby, they are all now nice and shiny and more or less complete. I had a major headache reproducing this colour across larger parts of a model, more so with the Captain/Chapter Master than these, but I'm relatively happy with how they have turned out. 

For a recap, here is the before pictures:

And here are the after photos, plus the Inceptor Sergeants:

This chap was my first test scheme model, hence why he has battle damage on him already.

As said in a previous post with the Chapter Master, the guns and glow will eventually be re-painted on these. 

I'm pleased with this ones face... though blowing it up does it no favours!!

Slowly, slowly we get there then... Redemptors to come as well as the lieutenant, an ancient and a final third squad of three plasma inceptors. Phew! Then I can take a break, get some games in with them, before probably working on some other stuff. Then I'll return to these bastions of light and finish them properly. 

Peace out,



  1. Loving the look of these chaps. Colours are good, but really digging the dynamic poses.

    1. Cheers Alun, the rock breaking does seem to have paid of thank goodness!

  2. These look great Rob, and the face stands up to zoom scrutiny! Really cool looking Force growing here

    1. Huzzah! Pictures always seem to highlight the faults in a paint job. Hopefully you should be able to see the putative force on a certain youtube channel soon...

  3. Great work as usual, love the orange.

    1. The bright palette in no small measure inspired by your own work good sir :)
