Wednesday 21 December 2016

Old Project - Daemon Prince

Howdy howdy,

I've been trying to get rid of this beast for a while now but I have failed spectacularly to shift him. Then with the release of Traitor's Hate I decided to actually re-start this project as a Daemon Prince from the original traitor legions. Obviously plenty of green stuff work is required but we'll get there I'm sure!

This is the definitive Daemon prince sculpt for me and I think it is incredible. 

Peace out,



  1. Get rid of? Why would you want to get rid of it! It is glorious. My jealously is tied with anticaption to see what you do with it.

    It is even the cool metal version!

    1. Haha well we'll see what sort of job I do on him! I can't decide on a legion for him at the moment!

  2. Metal-!? I thought that chap was a plastic kit, but wow! Good luck with him.

    1. Way back when he was first released! Oh how I lusted after it flicking through white dwarf

  3. I think I prefer this one over the plastic one. The pose options are all kind of weird for the plastic one. Although this metal one is similar he is more satisfying to my eyes.

    1. I think you can still grab this guy in fine cast I want to say?
