Monday 27 March 2017

Legio Cybernetica Imperial Knight - TO WAR!

Hey all,

Not 100% finished, but it is really minor things like weathering the barrel of the cannon and adding binaric script to the chest scroll that need doing on this chap. No name yet, still working on appropriate background fluff for my entire Legio Cybernetica as well as the Knight.

I'm really happy with how the yellow has turned out on the large curved areas, I think it has a nice variety of tones to give it believable depth and age. Apologies for the slightly dark photos though, I couldn't fit the knight in my light box so I had to improvise!

I'm not all that when it comes to conversion work, so I know there are bits where I should probably have filled it in, but I'm going for a - straight off the shop floor and not quite finished look... *cough* ;) let me know what you think!

Peace out,



  1. Looks hood to me! That shield is bad ass!

    As for names - do the Martians do names? Perhaps it should be a designation:

    Omega 12-4

    Or something! Or maybe just Dave.....

    1. Hahaha I might just write Dave in binary now...

  2. Wonderfully executed chief, love the idea of it. Any more shots of how the cannon mounts on the shoulder?

    1. The mounting is a little bit hidden, but if you keep poking me I have a spare imperial knight leg lying around and its a section of the leg that I used to mount it (bought from a bits site, oh expensive!) which makes it fit the aesthetic nicely

  3. bravo ..... i thought it was goofy looking in the build pics but the near finished product turned out well. Nice job on the cleanness of the hazard stripes, what did you use for masking?

  4. Love how you do your yellows and weathering, and this chap is no exception. Stellar as always :)

  5. Looking excellent there. I love over-the-shoulder gun mounts, and this one works particularly well.

    1. It took a lot of thought to get it to work I must say, I mean I started this september last year I think... and it got put in a box because I got so frustrated!

  6. That was pretty quick! Yellow IKs are fantastic, and hazard stripes make them 150% better too. Great job all round, master Cawl would surely give you a gold star.

    1. When I hit my stride and I'm enthused I do paint like a loon! Haha a gold star or a really shiny servo skull :P

  7. Lovely work Rob. Really brutal looking too. I'll basically opt to play your solar auxilia everytime now! ;)

    1. Coward ;) thats what you get for being a traitor!

  8. Excellent looking Knight! He looks a right mean brute, too. I'd love to see how you did the shoulder cannon.

    1. I will try and knock up a post showing which bits I cut from the leg at some point, but I may need some prodding!

  9. It's a beast! That turned out looking fantastic, man - It has a real sense of weight and menace!

    1. Thanks :) probably my most extensive conversion yet, so I'm pretty pleased!

  10. Replies
    1. Its gonna smash you... or die horribly from new model syndrome :/
