Thursday 22 February 2018

Sons of Wrath - Lieutenant on Wings of Fire!

Hello Darkness my old friend,

To break up the advance of the Ravenwing, I thought I would jump back to my Primaris marines, the Sons of Wrath. This chap has been painted for a bit, though it was an overnight job to get ready for a battle report with Winters, so once he was done and played with I mostly just needed a nap!

I'm quite pleased with how he turned out, conversion and paint job. I used the Sanguinary guard wings as I had them spare and I just really like how they look, same goes for the odd jump pack exhaust contraption at the back. Lets not look too closely at logic and how it might work eh?

Just 3 models left to paint up to tabletop standard before I can field a full 2000 points of Primaris marines. I still have several bases to finish off, as you can see from above, but once that detail is polished I just need to go back and add battle damage as well as squad, rank and role signifiers to all the miniatures. Which will wait till I have got through some more Deathguard as well as some of my other more esoteric projects that have lain untouched for some time!

Peace out,



  1. Beautifully done, man - Loving the red tone and the OSL is spot on. Good stuff!

    1. Cheers Mord :) I am much happier with the OSL on this chap than on previous ones. Always learning!

  2. Looks great, I like the feathering style on the wings and the colours are great. Are you sure this guy isn’t manifesting psychic powers in that Fist of Abbadon style-y...

  3. I like those glowy blue FX. Very cool work.

    1. Thanks neverness :) always working on getting the glows better to add some pop
