Wednesday 26 October 2016

Emperor's Children Palantine Blade Prefector - 3rd Party Parts

Hey all,

Today I finished the first of my 3rd party built Emperor's Children. This has been delayed a little as Laser Cut Candies was improving their cutting machinery and work space, but all for good quality and safety so not a problem waiting for them. But I realised I had one shield for the III legion and so finished off the Prefector for the Blades Squad. 

Much like Rylanor was, these guys are supposed to be very beaten up, having withstood the assault of the traitor ground forces on Istavann III for close to a month now after the virus bombings.

I'm still undecided on the finishing touch for the blade and whether to have the left pauldron in white like the right one. But other than that I'm pretty happy with how it looks! Thoughts welcome.

Peace out,



  1. Sweeeeeet. I really dig how that turned out - nice work, man!

    1. Thanks man, I steal so much from your blog you wouldn't believe :P

  2. Nice how that turned out with all the 3rd party supplied bits, quite nice EC look to him. Are you planning on a traitorous EC force or a loyalist one?

    1. Mostly loyalist, but I do have 2 x units of Kakophonie in rhinos on the way to have a traitor option, mwahahaha!

  3. Nice and gritty! He's certainly been through a lot. I might say that the power weapon might be a bit too ice lolly coloured? I think if it were brighter that might help with the contrast.
    I should have known when you made Rylanor that you were loyalist; although just as a force the IIIrd can go both ways, I suppose?

    1. Yeah the power weapons on this squad are the only ones I'm not sure on so the blade is very much half finished and not being left like this permanently. Especially as now all I'll see is an ice lolly :P

      Yeah mostly loyalist but I've got some traitor only units so (much like the EC) I can swing both ways.

  4. Siph, from what he said above they are loyalist.

    I think as a tester that one looks amazing, I was always unsure how those shields would love in the end but that really works. Bravo. I think the blade could use a bit more of a glow and less wear and tear in regards the silvering on the blade edges.

    1. Yeah I think you're right Rory, I'm not quite sold on doing it red though. I've got green and blue on two of the other squads and sort of wanted these guys a different colour, but would there be too much red?

      Totally open to suggestions mate :)

  5. Love it. Definitely leave the other pauldron as it is though, it makes a feature of the white one.

    So much to paint, so little time, you're making me want to paint purple again Rob!

    1. Purple is my favourite colour... But if I get these done and you get your Dusk Knights done we can face off ;)

    2. Also cheers for the pauldron advice, I've settled on just the right as white now, you swung it for me :)

  6. Really cool kit ash dude. Those anvil parts work really well, and the ML shield is awesome

    1. Yeah I've enjoyed having much more dynamic variety than the sometimes rather prescriptive GW sculpts.

      Having every part as an individual makes the build time a lot slower to make sure they position well, but I am much happier with the variety in my squads afterwards :)

  7. This'll be a great looking army when done. Not that I'd expect much less from you Rob!

    1. Hopefully we can organise you playing against it early next year mate:)
