Monday 9 November 2015

30k Dark Angels - Zenithal undercoat attempt 1

Hi Readers,

So I am going to be painting my 30k Dark Angels Black with silver armour trim and red/bronze worn on fancy details such as the lion pauldrons. I am happy with how my Death Company are painted but its very much a stylised black as opposed to a true style black. To this end I did a lot of reading and chatting with various Deities (Henry South being the major Deity of this worship) and have decided to try and use zenithal undercoating followed by layered washes to achieve the softer more natural black that I am after. 

I have decided to just run cloaks on my sergeants, so barring any massive change advice from you fine fellows as a community I think this guy is done! I want to get this force looking tip top, so the most anal comments on how he is painted are more than welcome as long as they are constructive :)

I took pictures at most stages of this process so if there is interest I may post that up as a guide to how I got this guy looking like he does. Just let me know!

Peace out



  1. That black is looking really good. I like the subtle tonal variation. Works really well :)

    1. Thanks Naff! I might need your help on the next stage though, as I've decided to do red/yellow checkers on the right pauldron and go really old school Dark Angels!

  2. That is a really nice flat black look. No backback, tho?

    1. Thanks man :) I blue tacked some backpacks on them but they just look like true scale tac marines then instead of terminators, and I don't think I have the skill to convert a decent terminator back pack proxy up. So was going to justify it as ancient caliban armour... But I can always add one later as well if they look to fantasy-esque. You have any suggestions mate?

    2. OK, I thought these guys were gonna be Vets or something. If they're Termies, no need for a backback.
