Thursday 18 February 2016

Horus Heresy: Castellax Battle Automata - early WIP

Hi everyone,

Today has not been a great day, as I forgot some daily medication which resulted in the mother of all headaches and extreme photo-sensitivity, to the extent that I had to have all the lights turned off in the house and couldn't use my mobile phone, so became quite the hermit until about 4pm. 

Since then working by a dull lamp I have been working on a single Castellax to get my 30k mechanicum scheme worked out. Below is how far I got. Progress was quick as the majority of the yellow work was done layering washes with my airbrush and the metallics were quick and simple with a nuln oil wash. 

The yellow has had a few highlights on it, but these are washed out in the pictures because of the flash. But I had to take the pictures with my eyes closed because of the lamp and the flash, so I won't apologise too much! Better pictures will come tomorrow when I finish him hopefully!

Lots of work to do on the details and I won't get the thing fully fully done for a while as I have ordered to some self adhesive vinyl templates from Fallout Hobbies so I can give these guys proper designation numeration. 


Peace out,



  1. Looking good so far - don't think I've seen a yellow Mechanicum scheme before! Will be interested to see the finished product

    1. Yes! It was hard to find one for reference, I would have though hazard stripe mechanicum were everywhere!

  2. Even at this point, I think this actually shows off the Model itself better than FW's own paint jobs. That really pops.

    1. Thanks man I'm really pleased with how its turned out and that quite a compliment from you!

  3. Looking really nice so far, very well done for the trouble you were having with it. Hope the headaches and such have all smoothed out and are in the past by now.

    Do you airbrush outside or do you have a booth?

    1. Thanks Rory, head is all good now, self induced by forgetfulness sadly!

      I have a cardboard box in my hobby room and I wear a filter mask and gloves I have nabbed from work. Not the best set up but safe enough I think.
