Friday 26 February 2016

Update on Ravenwing Sergeant and Attack Bike

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on my Ravenwing that are needed for a tournament on Sunday! I previously said Saturday but I keep getting my dates wrong! So please enjoy the pictures below and await the finished article tomorrow!!

Any thoughts are most welcome!

Peace out,



  1. Love love love the axe! I used one of those to replace dante's axe on the model I've just sold, I love them! The pose is great too as you don't often see models just carrying them, they're usually being brandished in some way.

    1. I was about to say much the same. Where does that axe come from, btw?

    2. Its one I got off you!! I think the carrying pose makes it look heavier and gives him a sense of purpose, like he is considering his actions.

      @Westrider - as already mentioned its a sanguinary axe. I think I have a spare or two if you'd like?

    3. That probably explains why I like it then, haha!

  2. Axe is from the Blood Angel Sanguine Guard jump troops. Love it.

    Good use of the light box, if you are using a PC I heartedly recommend Picasa photo editor, it's free download and will allow you to easy crop, auto balance white and auto correct light for even better photos, an example can be found in my post but all of my photos go through Picasa to get the best out of my photos.

    1. Oh, cool. I should actually have a couple of those lying around. Thanks!

    2. Thanks Siph! I've got an app for my phone but I'd like to compare doing stuff with Picasa on photos from my actual camera :)
