Tuesday 10 May 2016

Imperial Knight in Forge World Fires - WIP Part 1

What is up my gang,

So having traded in my Magic the Gathering cards for both the Legion of the damned (more on them tomorrow) as well as half of the Imperial Knight Renegade boxed game, I have been soldiering on with both of these projects. Today I give you a few sneak (and poorly photographed) shots of how my Knight is coming along. 

The knight is intended to be able to ally with any of my Imperial Faction armies, but mainly it will represent a Mechanicum Indentured Knight for my Legio Cybernetica Cohort. This means it will also be a yellow and black colour scheme. I am hoping it will scale up well to that size! 

I have been very keen to make the knight unique to me and so grand plans for conversions have been afoot! Firstly I wanted to have both left and right hands for the Knight, so I set about converting a right handed thunder strike gauntlet and secondly, what fit knight doesn't have a sword and shield!? So they are needed too.... I haven't put any details down on how I achieved any of this as I can't imagine to many are interested? If you are I will detail how I did stuff :)

Left and right thunder strike gauntlets - I'm very pleased with these!

The right legs was compeltely separated at the knee to allow more flexibility in the movement.

The torso is of course magnetised on - Nick at The Burning Eye gave me a tip for that and he should be posting a guide to it soon enough so watch his blog :)

A close up of how far back the converted leg goes. I had to remove a cable attachment to get the desired flex but I am going to be adding my own cables anyway.

A final (over exposed) shot of how the stance generally looks. (The brown thing hanging in the back ground is my Jedi Robe)

I know the photography isn't great but I was in a bit of rush so you have my appologies! I like to think these type of posts are the exception these days! I am working on the right arm at the moment and putting a shield together for it so hope to have some updates for you this weekend. In brighter news, my stupidly long experiment is coming to an end on friday so I am looking forward to having more energy for the hobby and building up a stock of posts. This is important as I am off to Italy with work for a week at the end of May!

Peace out,



  1. Love the idea with the sword, and those fists look awesome!

    Tutorial should be up soon, I've finished actually building the knight so now I can start writing about it!

    1. Cheers Nick! I shall certainly be forwarding people to you for that guide, I don't have the patience to take pictures all the way through once I get a head of steam!

    2. I suppose at least the bright side of magnetising is that taking pictures afterwards should be fairly simple!

  2. I hate you. Offically hate you.

    I am trying to scratch build a knight, because money, and I had this great little idea of it hold the reaper chainsword in hands. But you got there well before me and it looks ace. Bravo.


    1. Haha I apologise unreservedly Rory! I look forward to seeing yours! What's your base for scratch building, or is it literally from tubes and plasticard?

  3. Awesome build, man! Really digging how that's coming along!

    1. Thanks man! I'm not so sure on my skills for the shield but hopefully it'll get at least 50% of the way there!

  4. Did you press-mould the opposite hand with greenstuff, cast a negative of it, or hack the hell out of it with a hobby knife?

    1. I went with the hobby knife option, more of a caress than a hack though :P Its actually surprisingly easy, not like super easy, but I don't have mad skills or anything. The hardest part is getting the hole size right for the thumb, I had to drill it out with a 5mm bit then widen it slowly with my knife till it was right. I'll put together a little tutorial with arrows and such like soon :)

  5. I love the double fist idea with it holding the sword, looks way better the an the stubby chain sword... thing.
    The hack to make the other fist looks awesome, does the box come with two fists?

    1. It did not no, I picked them up in a sale for 12.50 for the two! Which was worthwhile considering the discount on the knight itself. Cheers dude :)

  6. Excellent work on the mirrored gauntlet, dude. Excellent work all round, really, the reposing, the rework on the Chainsword, the whole lot. Well done!

  7. Looking great as usual Rob! I need to start building my own Knight soon, otherwise it will just languish in the box for months on end. Fortunately, there appear to be some more helpful guides on the way!

    1. Who are you going to put the knight with? Or just generally use as an ally for your imperial forces?

    2. Just an ally for my forces. Need to get a copy of the codex to see what to arm it with.

  8. Mine is partially written, just need to take more piccies now!

    1. You may have noticed the guide went up last night. At which point my viewing figures went crazy (well, crazy for my blog at least). Averaged over 100 views per hour for the first few hours, that post is now already into my top five of all time views-wise despite not having been live for a day yet!

  9. hoping not to bother you on an old topic but: how did you cut the thump area on the gauntlet? some special tool like dremel or cutter and a huge patient and precision? thank you!

    1. No bother at all :) I used a really sharp scalpel to make the cut, but I used a super fine line marker pen to dot out the cut first. I didn't get the line right the first couple of times and used some ethanol to wash the pen off and re-dot the line. Hope that helps :)

  10. Hi i know this is a really old post. I was wondering if you could send me the link to how to make a right gauntlet? Thanks have a good day.

    1. Hi Shawn, really sorry to say that the pictures I had on this tutorial never saw the light of day as my phone died with them on it. I can't really remember any specifics, beyond carefully excising the bits from one side of the fist and transferring them to the other side.

      The thumb hole had to be drilled out and then carved to have a bevelled edge too as I recall.

      Sorry I can't be more help!
