Sunday 1 May 2016

Krios Venators - 90% Completed

How do all,

So I've been busying myself with getting more of my mechanicum painted recently, I'm still really enjoying painting these guys. Despite the same painting scheme the models are so varied that its a fresh challenge for each one that keeps me interested, which is in stark contrast to the dirge that the Death Company became towards the end. 

So here are some pictures of my nearly finished Venators. The drivers are still on their sprues as the cockpit is accessible even when built so it won't be a hassle to put them in later. There are also a few shots of all the components before assembly. The kit is lovely but if you put it together completely before painting you would really struggle to reach a lot of pieces so I thoroughly recommend that you paint everything separately then assemble. 

Here are also a few pics of my Domitars. Also mostly done but the bases need a lot of work on these guys.

Finally, does anyone know a good place to find high quality pictures of battle field background for 30/40k? I need to print one out as a background image for my army pictures that I am going to be taking. I want to make them a bit more cinematic and I've seen these kind of pictures used as back drops for battle reports on youtube, but I'm not sure where I would find more 30/40k specific ones that don't have miniatures in already. 

Any pointers would be brilliant :)

Peace out,



  1. Awesome stuff buddy, they look excellent. In answer to your question? No, sorry!

    1. Hahah no worries! I realised I have my winter fat mat, which might do ok...

  2. Holy crap Rob. I've said in the past how your painting has come on, but these are in another league! They look fantastic, and OSL really complements the yellow and metal colour scheme... Hmm, need to get back to my Imperial Fists.

    1. Cheers man :) means a lot to me! Yes! Definitely get back on those, I have been wondering where they are!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That glow effect looks just as fantastic as I thought it would from the preview shots. Great job!

  5. I think it's the halved heads that sell the domitar, a bit like the modern concept of Deadshot's mask only far, far cooler. Brilliant!

    1. I didn't see it till you said it but its all I see now! I'd like to see you scratch build some dark mechanicus version of these, I reckon you'd knock it out of the park D!

  6. I can only agree with Alun, this is another level compared to your other armies almost like they were done by different people (hopefully you take that as the compliment intended). I am very envious of these and the Mechanicum is really the only other army I'd like to pursue so doubly envious. Can't wait to see them again.

    1. Haha I think I jut hit upon a technique which gels with me really well, I'm hoping to put much the same idea into practise with my Alpha Legion and keep up this same standard...

      If not I'll be painting a lot more of these guys! Cheers Dave :)
