Friday 12 February 2016

Progress on Death Company!

Hi peoples,

Just a quick update on my death company. Progress has been very slow because of work, but today was my first day off in 44 days! So I got hammered last night I have been wearing sun glasses all day to protect my eyes from the bastard the sun.

Anyway here are some quick snaps for you!

Apologies for the flash. Believe me it was more painful for me when I was taking the pictures. These guys just need their gems and bases doing now!

Peace out,



  1. Looking badass! Random question:I'm just getting into 40k and I decided on a Grey Knights/Blood Angels allied army. Any ideas?

    1. Cheers unknown! Glad to hear you are getting into the hobby :) I'll have a think about that combi and get back to you. In fact I'll probably write a post on it as there is a lot of synergy to be had between them!!

  2. Awesome stuff pal! Not sure whether I wanna be on the opposition team at hero for a day so I can play against them or on their side cos they are badass! I think I'd probably rather team them up with my bikes!

    1. Just posted up on my new marine list using white scars tactics. Filth.

  3. Looking nice as usual, dude. Not a whole lot to say here, at this point you've pretty much got your groove down for the DC.

    1. Thanks man, 6 more to go! Then I might finally get on to my converted sanguinary guard...

  4. Great job Rob! If you weren't such a nice guy, I would hate your guts with jealousy every time you post photos like this!

    1. Haha! What a compliment Mike :P I feel the same every time I see you win! You definitely have the actual game side down better than me... As you'll see in my battle report soon :/
