Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The Execution Force Assembles - Be Afraid... Very Afraid!

Good evening, this is the Inquisition speaking...

The High Lords of Terra have spoken following a report from Inquisitor Corr and the Emperor's finest killers have been released, a surgical scalpel to the bludgeoning hammer of the Astartes. The Execution Force!! 

Thoroughly enjoyed painting these and (somewhat annoyingly as they aren't mine!) I would say some of my best work is contained in these 4 miniatures. I am particularly proud of the Eversor assassin as a whole, though the hair of the Callidus assassin, the eyes of the Vindicare and the body suit of the Culexus stand out individually as things I am proud to call my work. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing the genesis of these guys and look forward to seeing some Night Lords crop up :)

Peace out,



  1. You sod - now I want a set!

    Great work pal, brilliant to see them all together, though I have to say that makes me think the sculpts are a little unbalanced from GW, the Callidus in particular and the Eversor seemingly taking up much more space than the others, which I'm surprised at. If I do ever get the set I think I'd have to change the setting of them quite a bit.

    1. I love the Eversor sculpt mind you, I think its so pleasantly dynamic!

  2. Yes, it was I! Miguel!
    Awesome work Rob, can't wait to get these beauties on the tabletop.

  3. They look really well as a team together, bravo.

  4. Yes lovely work. Well done mate, the group shot looks good.

    1. Keep an eye on standwargaming to see them in action!

  5. Absolutely stunning work - I love how they turned out!

  6. Amazing results there mate, I'm sure Inquisitor Corr will field them with the best results! :)

    1. He is far more a master tactician than myself!
