Saturday 25 February 2017

The Avatar of Ynnead - A Primal Scream of Death and Rebirth

Hey gang,

So in between a lot of prep work on the Night Lords I have been putting time into a personal project which has recently been the Yncarne. Even if I never end up building the wraithblade army that I have running around my head (I cannot ever bring myself to bring ranged D weaponry even with a -1), I am just extremely glad to have had this model as a painting project. I am very thankful my lovely girlfriend bought me the box set!

I wanted to go for something much darker than the official scheme and make this look like a god of the dead that the Eldar will both follow and fear as the story indicates. I feel the official scheme makes the Yncarne seem to definitely friendly to my mind. And as my skills are just better suited to dark (scruffy) painting, that is the way I went...

There is so much I need to do to this model still!! There are a couple of small bits to add to the swirl that are currently awaiting primer, there are bits of glue that need painting over and just so much that needs blending together better. I don't think it is going to win any awards, but I am pretty happy with how close I have come to my original vision. I would say around 65% towards what I wanted, but with such a complicated model I am very VERY happy with that thus far. 

Thoughts on a postcard :)

Peace out,



  1. Rob this is glorious. I really like the dark theme you have gone for. It is so much more fitting to the the character and background of the . Great stuff :)

    1. Thanks Naf :) it has been a big hit on facebook. I think most people aren't keen on the brightness of the original

  2. He looks great dude, I would be very proud of him if I was you, as NafNaf says I think the darker tone suits the model a lot more than the lighter scheme, this is the grimdark after all, where they shall know no pastel colours...

    1. Yeah, I do worry a little that the Grimdark is being watered down a little, and not with blood!

  3. Lovely dark scheme, would match up well with your Solar Auxilla force! Great job.

    1. Cheers Siph! Hopefully you'll get to face her at some point ;)

  4. I'm not surprised you went with the darker toned colour scheme, and as everyone has said it really suits the model - far more malevolent than the pale spirits GW normally go with.

    On the flip side - I'm not sold on the green blades, I think perhaps a cold grey blue tone might have worked better, but that's very much a minor point, the green still looks great.

    1. Funny you should say that actually, I tried a cold blue to begin with, but they just got lost a little bit amongst the rest of the darkness. I tried purple too before I went with green in the end. Only one that looked right to me, but might be I just couldn't nail the shades :)

  5. Yeah, that's definitely a way better scheme than GW's. You got any more plans for the base? Feels like it could use a little something else to kick it up a bit.

    1. Afraid just grass on top of brown sand! Hopefully when put in an army which will have either clear or scenic bases it should look OK :)
