Thursday 16 February 2017

Old School Vindicare Commission!

Hey all,

I'm currently working on a Night Lords commission with some attached imperial assassins. The Vindicare is an older sculpt though not the very very old one. I had a lot of fun laying paint on this guy and as it was done in one sitting it felt very much like progress!

I've also begun some work proper on an army I've had gagging at the bit for some time, so that should rear its head soon...

With some extra professional commitments coming up I will be curtailing the number of commissions that I take soon, so this will be the last fresh commission you will see for some time. I have a boat load of Dark Angels though still to do so expect to see a lot more of them over the next 6 months, which is my time scale for completion :)

Peace out,



  1. Has Russ now fully booked you! Ha. Glad you get the extra income to splurge on this new mystery... not Eldar I hope ;). More 30k or some 40k?

    1. Aye, you should see the size of the box he dropped off! Sorry to disappoint old bean, the Eldar are coming :P but maybe something else too...

  2. Looks good buddy!
    I've got my vindicare posed to my satisfaction now (the other old sculpt aiming it at something) so I'll post up pics when that's done. I'm tempted to avoid the classic black synskin suit though and go a little off-piste!

  3. Great work, man! I always loved that model and you've done an awesome job on him!

    1. Its probably my least favourite of the vindicare sculpts, but it still looks good when finished up I think. Cheers as always :)

  4. The classic pose is a bit awkward, but so terribly endearing! And you've done a great job on his palette.

    1. He needs to be in a diorama wading, through some kind of muck, keeping his guns dry.

    2. I would love to build that diorama you know now....

  5. Nice work mate :o) Not my favourite assassin but brings back a lot of fond memories all the same.

  6. He looks great Rob! Don't usually see the old ones painted this well!

    1. Its funny how certain sculpts present real challenges to present well, despite not having the most detail on! Thanks Greg :)
