Monday 31 August 2015

Death Company Drop pod - WIP

Hi Readers,

As promised (or threatened), I am beginning my even greater deluge of Death Company WIP pictures today. And I hope to have many more shots, particularly of completed models my the end of this week on next Sunday. If all goes to plan (so no) I should have a painted Death Company Drop pod, and 10-15 more panted Death Company, along with either a Chaplain in Death Company colours, a Sanguinary Priest or, cautiously, both of them.

But rather than looking to far ahead let me just give you a few pictures of the the Drop pod that I have been working on. This was bought of ebay and came with the outer shell and the inner shell built but separate with a load of sprue still attached so after filing it all down I gave it an undercoat of black and a heavy drybrush of eshin grey, this stage looks like the outer shell picture below:

As you can spot to the left of the picture I actually based the outside doors of the drop pod in mephiston spray before using tamiya tape to make a Death Company cross on all the doors before the black base coat. This was then drybrushed using eshin grey and looked like so:

I was absolutely certain I had taken WIP pictures of the interior as I was painting it, but evidently I did not or they weren't saved for some reason, but I have finished painting the interior of the drop pod, I used a fair amount of drybrushing for the overall aesthetic as I couldn't bring myself to line highlight the interior of  a vehicle that will be hidden from view a lot... But I'm quite pleased with the look of it anyway:

And in all of these pictures you can see my new modelling mat, huzzah!! The hazard lines were formed using tamiya tape again but a thinner version of it, I want to say 6mm? The tape is bloody excellent though I lost the will to live putting all those bits of tape on, it just got so dull and I always think drop pods have one less door than they do which is always demoralising when you realise there is another damn door to go... Bah, bah I say!!!

I am going to attempt some heat style weathering on the side of these which terrifies me as I feel I will muck it up, but smashing a few tutorials together I hope to produce a semi reasonable effect, and again it will spend most of it time with the doors down and I am rather gosh darn proud of those hazard lines!

Tune in tomorrow for hopefully the finished product and later in the week I hope to have the penultimate game in my narrative campaign up for your reading and viewing pleasure! It was a doozy!

Peace out,



  1. Looks awesome. I still have a White Scars pod to get finished at some point.

    1. I look forward to seeing pictures! Decided on your army for blog wars yet?

    2. I am most likely going to take my Ravenwing. Not got too much to do, just need to get Dark Talon assembled and painted.

  2. I got frustrated with Pods and just glued all mine shut. Then, after I'd done a bunch that way, saw a post where someone had just left the doors off entirely, as if they were blown off on landing rather than just falling open, and I really wish I'd gone that route instead.

    1. I was lucky with these being bought off ebay that the doors are nice and "sticky" so they don't flop about everywhere. Though the blown off sounds good, especially if you used the door to make a little scenic base for it perhaps.

  3. Looking good Rob, those hazard stripes might have been a pain to tape but they look amazing finished. Good luck on the heat damage work

    1. Thanks Joe! I am pleased with them and I would recommend the tape to anyone, its really versatile and easy to work with.

  4. You win an award for painting the interior....I ripped out the harnesses and just left it open because it frustrated me so much!

    1. Haha I can't imagine you being flummoxed like that Greg! I wish they weren't in there as it a drop pod for a dreadnought... But it was very cheap buy so can't complain!

    2. Was earlier in my painting I use it as a dread drop pod :). Today I'd probably just cry and start marking things. I hate painting drop pods for some reason. Maybe its because its so many of the same. Who knows, maybe I'll try again! Yours is just lovely :)

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