Sunday 23 August 2015

Converted Sanguinary guard from Age of Sigmar - Completed!!

Hi Readers,

So I have been plugging away at converting my Sanguinary Guard from the Age of Sigmar Prosecutors using all the little bits and bobs that I've had floating around and they are finally done! The unit is equipped with 2 x encarmine swords, 2 x encarmine axes and a banner and power fist, its not the most competitive build but from a modelling perspective it filled all the fun ideas I had and that ticks more boxes for me than being competitive!

I like the idea that these are personalised suits fitting and choosing the bearers over time,moulding to their fighting style and personality. This stems from a David Gemmell novel I love (Knights of Dark Renown) and also from the idea of the Sanguinary Death Masks moulding to the wearers face after death. One of my favourite pieces of Blood Angels lore if I'm honest.

Today has been very dull weather wise and as much as I try I've not been able to get some decent pictures out so I apologise for the quality in advance!

In other news I have finished off my second 5 Death Company marines which is half of a squad of 10 and I will get those posted up in the coming week. Later today I will either start on the other 5 Death Company or perhaps a vehicle being either my Baal Predator or a drop pod.

Comments always welcome,

Peace out,



  1. Boom! Awesome work man. They look great. The two sword guys and standard bearer are my fave by far. Not too sure of the glaives though, a little too large for my liking. When you have painted them all they will look fantastic

    1. Yeah I have next week off so I'm hoping to make some headway n these guys with the same burnished gold look I gave Dante.

      If I was a better modeller and these weren't snap fit kits I would have liked to have modelled the Glaives as being held 2-handed but I'm not that good, i just felt that an encarmine axe should look special, but I see your point :) Hopefully they will look more convincing painted!

  2. Very cool dude, they look awesome !

    1. Thanks man! Tune back in to see them painted soon hopefully!

  3. Oh my gosh I want one of those... Shoot

    1. They were surprisingly easy to convert actually, go for it man!

    2. I can't afford a box of prosecutors or a box of Sang. Guard, unfortunately...
