Wednesday 2 November 2016

Deathwing Commission WIP

Hi Gang,

I've been working on some commission work today with some Deathwing Terminators. As with all of my work, you don't really get clean lines but more akin to something that has had the shit beaten out of it... These are a 95% WIP with the final cleaning and pointing to do before finishing the bases as well. 

Expect about 20-25 more of the guys along with a couple of land raiders and dreadnoughts. I also have some Ravenwing in the bag to go with them. Honestly I hated painting these because of the light colour of the armour! But I'm happy with how they've come out and as long as the client is happy then I'm happy!

Peace out,



  1. Looks like your Deathwing have been using the next named brand, my Deathwing use Daz and come to the battlefield sparkling white!

    But seriously folks, great job Rob! They look fantastic. I particularly like the back hazard stripes.

    1. Hahahaha thats the stand up comedian coming through I think :P

      I got the hazard strip idea off a YouTube battle report I recall but i haven't put it into practise till now, surprisingly tricky!

  2. Wow! Your white recipe is amazing! Please teach it to us ;)

    1. I'll put one together in the next update on these guys :P I have plenty of them to do!

  3. I like your take on the white of Deathwing; it looks a lot more like the ashes of the original backstory. Those hazard stripes are genius :o)

    1. Well I generally speaking don't (by which I mean can't) paint off the factory armour and I do love the fluff behind the scheme of the Deathwing.

      Thanks :)
