Tuesday 29 November 2016

Parting Company With the Death Company

Hi Gang

The Death Company were the first (and so far only!!) army I ever fully painted up complete and ready for war. I was so damn proud of them when I was done. Whilst I still love how they look, my painting style has evolved away from the style they were painted in, and generally for the better in my eyes, though I am sure some will disagree as is their right :)

However in the past 18 months they have been played with on only two different occasions which included the fantastic mammoth charity event organised by Nick of The Burning Eye. The other being a 3000 point game with Dark Angels allies against my good mate Dan. 

Whilst I have been loathe to let them go, it has been on my mind for some time. Primarily because I hated that they weren't getting played with after so much time spent on them. I thought long and hard about what to do with them as I didn't just want to pawn them off on eBay, though I was sure I could get a pretty penny for them. 

As it is I have managed to devise an excellent way to trade them off and still get to see them played! This involves YouTube... However I don't want to step on the recipients toes as the rightful owner and so I will keep their big reveal under wraps till their first game goes live. However this does mean that anyone who has followed the creation of this army in black will now actually get to admire them in action as well as get to see the army expanded to new heights!! 

For now I have some choice close up pictures for you and some old army pictures for you to enjoy, as we don't say goodbye to the Death Company, but more of a 'I'll see you around'.

Rest assured as soon as they are alive in their new incarnation I will have a post up letting you know where you can go and see them make bloody murda :)

Peace out,



  1. They still look good, but you have moved on in leaps and bounds. Tough decision to let them go, but as you say, it'll be nice to see them played.

    1. Exactly, I just want to see them engage in battle and be used for fun and games. I still love how they look I just know I could do better and 40k has lost me right now.

      Imperial Agents however...

  2. Noooooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :( love this army

    1. But now you'll get to see them played mate :) and if you can make it to london you could play them too! Albeit not against me :(

  3. Sad face :( Loved your Death Company army Rob. Hopefully they will enjoy the farm upstate where they have plenty of space to run around and other Blood Angels to play with.

    1. Hahaha yeah the Death Company often get sent to farms upstate where Astorath tends to their... needs...

  4. I am sure people would actually setup a YouTube channel to get their hands on that army. Really well done.

    1. Thanks Rory, thats a hell of a compliment :)

      If I had the time and resources I would start a YouTube channel for some of my other creative output, but alas it just isn't feasible at this time :/

  5. Sad to see them go mate but I understand your thinking - what are you plannng to get with the funds?

    1. Well I actually traded them for paid subscription service. This was very much a wanting to give back in a little way and just see them played. I know they are going to get a damn good go and get some reinforcements as well!

      Soon... Soon you will all see ;)
