Tuesday 1 November 2016

The Loyal III of Istvaan - The Emperor's Children

Howdy all,

By now I imagine that it comes as no surprise that my 'secret' project has been some Emperor's Children, made primarily from Anvil Industry parts. This is a very small army that has not been designed to be competitive in any way, but rather to reflect the fluff of the loyalist Emperor's Children that survived the initial virus bombing and firestorm unleashed by the traitor legions on Istvaan III. 

This means I haven't put any vehicles in the list, barring 3 jetbikes that haven't really seen any work thus far. So its very much a foot slogging element. Given the Tactical prowess that Saul Tarvitz shows in the books (or audobooks in my case), I have decided to use the Maru Skara rite of war. This allows 1-3 Elite/Fast choices to outflank and arrive on any pre-selected turn after the first. 

This army is still very much a work in progress with all the shield arms still to do as well as back packs and jump packs for the assault squad and breacher squad. I've tried to use cloaks and helmet plums to distinguish between squads, sergeants and the elite Palantine blades. 

In a fit of productivity this weekend I have completed the 20 infantry for the breachers and assault marines as well as the four remaining Palantine blades. I still have my Saul Tarvitz conversion, an Apothecary, a Legion Champion, a Vigilator and 3 x jetbikes to get going on but I hope you enjoy these half way pictures!

Answers on a post card!

Peace out,



  1. As I've come to expect from you pal, they look bloody brilliant! I only hope my EC will look half as good once I'm done (and no, I haven't started yet...)

    1. Haha you slacker you.. Oh wait how many Dusk Knights!!?

      I think it will be really cool to compare our very different style and takes on the same legion :) I'm the Pollock to your Rembrandt mate!

  2. That is a great looking force - I've always liked the idea of doing a loyalist element of a traitor legion, good stuff, man!

    1. Thanks dude, hopefully they will be finished in the next few days at 1350 points. Got some plans for World Eaters and Son's of Horus to make them the proper force that survived on Istavann III :)

  3. The Anvil parts make for a very unique force on the table, looks great!

    1. Yeah I am already planning my next Anvil purchase, but a lot of what I want is out of stock, obviously they are popular!

  4. Nice work, these are very col, love the capes - twilight emporium.net
