Wednesday 4 January 2017

Ravenwing Bikers Commission - WIP

Hey gang,

Just a quick few pictures of the Ravenwing that I'm working on. I have an attack bike, a 3 man command squad, a landspeeder and a nephilim to paint as well mind you! But I've also got all the material handy to finish basing the painted Deathwing and with my gaming table making itself useful I should be able to get some nice group shot for you and a little video to boot :)

These guys will be seeing you again soon enough! Oh and BTW I just wanted to point out I didn't build these guys so poses and mould lines are not my choice...

Peace out,



  1. Great scheme Rob, coming together and nearing the end of that Commission soon!

    1. Yep! Cracking on with it this month so hopefully you'll have them to play against soon!

  2. Good stuff - you've been doing an awesome job on these guys. Keep up the great work!

    1. I can barely keep up with you! And I'm being terrible at commenting on peoples blogs these days (let alone answering my own :/)
