Wednesday 11 January 2017

Two Ravenwing Squads 95% Complete!

How do!?

So I've been beavering away on commission work to get it out of my hair and I've got 6 Ravenwing in two squads of 3 almost done! As always you notice things in pictures that escaped you in life, so a couple of the exhausts haven't been finished! The wheels can be ignored as they will be dealt with once the bikes are glued to their bases, they'll get a dark grey/black finish before being appropriately muddied up to match the bases. 

I've got 4 DeathWing Knight on the go right now as well so they should be complete by weeks end, as well as work started on the final 4 DeathWing terminators as well as the final 4 Ravenwing. Then its only 2 Independent Characters in terminator armour to do, a nephilim jetfighter, 2 dreadnoughts and 2 land raiders to do! Phew! Plus I am starting work on the Culexus assassin this week (base already done), leaving only the Callidus untouched as of yet, but the base for that might get some love.

All shaping up to finish both of these before the end of January I hope. Only the Land raiders and Nephilim are giving me worries really!

Peace out,



  1. Definitely the red is much better for the headlamps and it ties in with the plasma, eyes and power sword.

    1. I actually took the yellow and just gave it a sepia washed followed by bloodletter glaze :) thanks again for the feedback! Best thing about blogging is getting nudged and poked to make stuff better I find.

  2. Looking great Rob, I particularly like the plasma glow at the muzzle of the weapon, don't think I've seen that done before and is definitely something I'll be stealing when I get round to my Plasma Devs!

    The green looks really nice and rich too without detracting from the black.

    1. Agreed about the muzzle... And the fact they're looking great!

    2. The muzzle is just silver with the spiritstone red technical plonked on top, lovely useful stuff!

  3. Nice work Rob. Wasn't sure about the green robes, but they do tie in nicely with the black!

    1. I think keeping the Green dark helps a lot, probably partly luck too :P

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks man :) I was going for so grim that I'm pale and haggard :P

  5. looking great dude. Really like the green you have used, breaks the black up nicely

    1. Yeah I find that having it run through the model really helps. I'm getting much better at visualising where colours will go before I start which always helps too.

      By the way, your Danse Macabre has inspired my gf to collect DE!
