Wednesday 10 May 2017

Belisarius Cawl - WIP

Hey gang,

In between working on the First Legion I've been slowly adding layers to my final Mechanicum model (for now). I've got most of Cawl built now, though there are quite a few bits still on the sprue as they are pretty much single piece add on parts and I'd rather not lose them! The two main arm are built but still lying in grey plastic as I want to get the base model painted and ready to go so I can just paint all the smaller fiddly parts in one go. 

Not much of an update, but here you go!

The yellow is pretty much finished, I just need to add some extra shading and wash to some areas. The black armour is also close to completion, but needs a little bit of stippling with a silver to give it some wear and tear. Everything else is just in the under coat or base coat stages, so lots to do!

Peace out,



  1. Last model. HA! There are never any 'last' models!

    Looks good though pal, you do yellow better than anyone I know (and I don't mean that in a cowardly way, hehe).

    1. Well... Last until I've got everything else painted! A whole Militia army and 40 sisters of silence are waiting in the wings... Plus a new model for the Auxilia :P

  2. Looking very well. You and Turkdactyl are both doing Cawl at the same time and both with yellow robes and all. Strong play.

    1. Ooooh which is Turkadactyls blog again? I'd love to see someone elses take on the same scheme

  3. That is looking great! Somehow you made the model look even creepier than usual.

  4. Great work so far! Looking forward to seeing the whole thing all together.

    1. Taking longer than the Imperial Knight did! Blasted little bugger
