Wednesday 3 May 2017

Deathwing Return in Full Force!

Hey all,

So as promised I'm returning to my Dark Angels commission work this month and hoo boy do I have a lot to do! I'll reveal the extent of this commission this weekend, when I get a chance to take pictures of all that needs doing. 

Before I get into that though, I have some unfinished business with some Deathwing to resolve. This includes 2 x Deathwing Dreadnoughts, 2 x Deathwing Independent Characters and 2 x Deathwing Land Raiders. Once these suckers are out of the way, I can focus entirely on painting the black of the Ravenwing...

I just started to build up some steam last night and get back into the groove with these guys. Fortunately, when I start painting something new, I tend to record myself talking through the process and paints I used to get there for my own reference, so that was nice and handy! Here are some snaps of the old painting desk and whats coming up :)

And an up close picture of the gribbly you can make out in the background as well ;)

He's not glued together in that position, the waist is just a snug fit and held itself well for the picture, I have a long way to go with the yellow robes, before I start on the black plating and metallic sections. See you soon!

Peace out,



  1. Replies
    1. I won't! I like the end result, but I don't really enjoy the painting process with these guys tbh :/

  2. Great job, Rob. Here's hoping that 8th Edition makes my Deathwing awesome once more!

  3. I know the commissioner will be looking forward to getting these and battling in 8th Edn, the rise of the Termies once more! Look forward to seeing the extent of the force.

    1. I'm looking forward to giving him a horde of Deathwing and Ravenwing when he returns! I'll get a picture up of the deathwing though when they are all done

  4. The asymmetrical look is great, especially the triforium windows! That's probably my favorite librarian figure too, so automatic points there. Great work!

    1. I noted that asymmetrical touch too, really like it. Although for my own OCD they need to swap positions so the windows are on the outside. It actually makes no difference but I'd just have to do it ;)

    2. Haha and here I am completely oblivious to it :P

  5. Those all are coming together well, bravo.

  6. Is that Dark Angels green a new pot? I have Caliban Green and it is too dull a green to fit in with my other DA figures. I'd love them to change the formula.

    1. Sadly not! It was brought in along with models and its been invaluable! I agree about Caliban not being the same :(
