Monday 7 March 2016

Thallax - More progress

Good Afternoon mi amigos,

I'm afraid its going to be a starter of Thallax, followed by Thallax with a side order of Thallax for this week, though if you're lucky you will be getting a desert of Castellax with a coulis of Death Company towards the end. Plus there will be a sprinkle of the Ordo Reductor getting reviewed as well.

Last post you saw these chaps in this state of undress:

And since then, all the metals have been washed and highlighted as well as the black visor being covered in blood for the blood god. I'm not terribly good at using that as a blood effect but it gives a lovely creepy finish to these visors. To my mind it is almost membrane like and help enforce the idea that there is living squishy tissue inside of these metallic bodies. I've begun adding a very slight touch of verdigris to the bronzed/copper metallics which you might be able to pick up on the front left Thallax in the back shot, but I will be keeping it very low key. 

I've also undercoated the arms, guns and cables though the white can did die on me in a big fat wet fart of splatter annoyingly. But as a lot of the arms/guns will be painted metallic that shouldn't be an issue. 

So tonight I should begin work on the arms and I think I will also begin to build the bases! Though I need to pick up a new can of black undercoat for that and my money is tight right now, mostly because I keep buying things.... Also, depending on the post man we may be seeing a new addition to the battle Automata family this week...

Peace out,



  1. Man those look fantastic! Loving the yellow scheme, such a breath of fresh air from the usual red of the mechanicum. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks man, your Imperial Fist posts are like a guardsman holy primer for helping me get through these guys! The weathering is still gonna scare the crap out of me though!

  2. Looking very nice Rob, keep the progress coming!
    I should be getting some paint on my new drop pods this week, provided I can get them undercoated properly in this cold weather. The Thallax are really coming on though, and should look pretty imposing on the battlefield, this is where batch painting really comes into its own!

    1. Batch painting Drop pods!!!? I will believe it when I see it Mr Thrower ;)

    2. No, the dusk Knights are all getting bespoke attention in the painting table. No batch painting!

  3. Great scheme and great painting dude!
    Watchig it i start to think that i will buy their army book ;)

    1. Their book is really good value as well at normal Codex price pretty much for their big red book of condensed rules!

  4. I think I've only used BftBG once for actual blood splatter effect. I've used it a bunch of times as a gloss red tho, for things like this. It's a great paint.

    1. Given how much Khorne you have... I am not surprised :P

  5. I've always wanted a few Thallax, and these are gorgeous, therefore not helping... ;D Great work!

  6. I've always wanted a few Thallax, and these are gorgeous, therefore not helping... ;D Great work!

  7. I've always wanted a few Thallax, and these are gorgeous, therefore not helping... ;D Great work!
