Saturday 5 March 2016

30k Thallax Update and General Blog Thoughts

Good afternoon fine cats,

Today I have a quick update on painting progress with my Thallax which has been a bit slower than I hoped, mostly because I got up at 1pm today.. the shame the shame... the wonderfully comfortable bed... And I also have a few thoughts on my blog at the current time. Firstly some blog stuff. 

Blog Housekeeping

Mostly today I wanted to acknowledge that particularly in the realm of comments I have been very tardy in terms of replying to everyone, this is simply due to work commitments really draining me as of the present and a few minor health issued which are refusing to remain dead and buried. This coupled with trying to make swift progress on painting for tournaments and the like has been quite the limiter on mental fortitude regarding sitting down to write replies. 

I don't for a second think any of you wonderful people who do take the time to comment are fussed by my rate of reply, but I do like to give everyone proper time and thought as some of your comments are very important beyond encouraging me with factual inaccuracies in my review posts being pointed out as well as great hints and tips around model painting, tactics and army composition for example, factoring directly into my hobby. Therefore this is just by way of an apology!

I also wanted to point out that some time in the past week I surpassed 1000 comments as well as 1'000'000 Google+ views and thank you all for that as well! 

Other than that I think I my life and therefore blog time should settle down significantly in the first half of April after I have moved house and completed a couple of very time intensive experiments, so I am greatly looking forward to having more structured posts as well as posting at regular times again!

Thallax Progress

In more blog focussed and less serious news I have made movement on my Thallax! Below is how you last saw them:

And here we have them after the metallics have been added, the black under layer for the red face plate, as well as screaming skull highlights on the yellow and using it as the base layer on the skull of the chest piece. I lightened the yellow a little too much and so added some seraphim sepia to blend it back to a level I'm happy with, though I have a few "tide marks" I need to correct:

Nuln oil wash is now needed on all metallics and then highlights plus colouring of the cables that will be red with black. Then the face plate and black cables will have blood for the blood god added to them and these guys are done!

Tonight I should have time to blue tack up all the arms and guns for undercoating and washing and hopefully get over half way done with them tomorrow. I also have plans to start basecoating the final 6 Death Company and start yellow highlighting the three Castellax.

Peace out,



  1. Dude. Those are looking great already. They're gonna be amazing when you get them completely done.

    1. Thanks man, I love it when I get my mojo and I feel like I can really munch through a task, I'm hoping they will look pretty 'pop' when they are set out as an army.

  2. They're looking fantastic mate, the more I see the yellow the more I like it!

    1. Thanks Nick! I could always bring them to HfaD you know ;)

  3. Yeah dude they look great. Your painting has come on leaps and bounds in the year and a bit you have been blogging. Great stuff :)

    1. It has! And you shouldn't feel modest about how much of that is down to you dude! All the way from TDC to here you've been a massive help!

  4. Looks awesome Rob! Holy crap, 1000 comments! Well done, man.

    1. Thanks Mike! Don't forget half of them are mine :P

  5. I love that yellow!and it will be better when they will be finish ;)
    And congrats for the 1000 comments!

  6. Coming along nicely, they look great!

  7. I noted they aren't stuck to bases yet. Would you generally do the bases separate and add them on after?

    1. Normally I would stick them to the base like with my Dark Angels. With these guys I want to use mesh on the floor and have pipes bursting out of it and debris in general, like they are in an exploding manufactorum. So I have left them off so I can sculpt the bases separately and then glue these guys on.
