Thursday 16 June 2016

100'000 views Arbitrary Milestones AND a present from my Missus!

Hey all!

So today I'm just going to quickly cover a couple of milestones that have popped up recently! Some time in the last week or so I surpassed two arbitrary milestones that made me quite pleased with myself :). The first was the blog has edged over 100'000 views! This made me a very happy bunny indeed and continues to amaze me that people continue to read my blatherings, so here's to all of you!

Secondly I also crept over 300 published posts, which seems like a silly huge amount to me. It give me equal parts satisfaction and equal parts "take a long hard look in the mirror and question your life decisions" feelings :P. But seriously, I'm very pleased that I still feel this involved and hungry with the hobby. I'm spent a lot of my life jumping between things to fill my spare time, from rock climbing, running, kung fu, computer games, girls etc and I've been going back with the hobby coming up around 3 years now and that is the longest I've ever really stuck with anything since I originally collected Warhammer Fantasy back in the early 90's! So yaaay me!

Other milestones coming up, but long enough away that I don't mind pointing them out, are I am approaching 2'000'000 views on my google plus profile, but much more importantly I am approaching 2'000 comments on my blog. The engagement I get on there is a really important aspect of my hobby as it always pushes me to bigger and better (and occasionally badder) things. So cheers to all of you again!

And Finally...

I was in London the other day as my girlfriend had to collect some paperwork. Unfortunately this would take up the one day off we had together for a few weeks so I decided to go with and we'd make a day of it. We had a lovely day just wandering around and being silly together but as the day came to a close we passed a Games Workshop (or Warhammer Store as it was branded) and my girlfriend decided to buy me a present!

I couldn't see anything that would go with my current armies as I am considering phasing 40k out of my hobby to focus on 30k so told her I was OK and explained why. She shrugged and told me to get something just to paint then. Quick as a flash I had this off the shelf!

I've admired this monster for some time, but due to Age of Sigmar and all the general belly aching going on over there I had steered clear of starting a fantasy army but now I have my General...

That's all for today, more reviews and hobby progress incoming though :)

peace out,



  1. Good stuff Rob, I'm not surprised at the level of interest in your blog (I may have contributed about a thousand of those views recently just reading and re-reading your emperor's children stuff) as it's full of high quality content, both reviews and painting-wise.

    Age of Sigmar eh? What will you turn to next...

    1. Thanks Nick :) I appreciate the viewing figures ;)

      They have beautiful models and I'm a sucker!

  2. Congrats Rob, awesome figures all round (pun intended!).

    Also, you suck! I have a Terrorgheist awaiting painting and you are going to do a much better job on yours ;)

    1. Go figure you'd use a pun ;)

      Hahaha if you post it me I'll paint it for you mate! Free of charge!

  3. AoS is great mate! Would be amazing to see what you do with an army, check twitter/ for lots of positive AoSing!

    1. Thanks! I appreciate that, struggled to find some! i'm looking forward to seeing what the General's Handbook does to the game

  4. Congrats on the milestones, man - I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and look forward to seeing more in the future! Keep up the fantastic work!

    1. Thanks mate :) Consider the blogular feelings reciprocated :)

  5. Congrats on the views...but hey, be happier about your comment section. That's the true test of a blog!
    Can't wait to see what you do with the terogist thing. Having just bought total goodness they are awesome looking.

    1. Oh absolutely, I love how much engagement I get, its made me a much better painter for certain!

      I've lusted over this model for a while and I'm planning on putting a lot of time into its base and paint job for sure :)

      My housemate plays that on the big screen and I just watch and enjoy!

  6. Congratulations! Also, I was looking through the Flesheater Courts Battletome the other day, and they look really cool. Great fluff, and some amazing Models.

    1. Yeah I have always liked vampires of the old world and I am really thinking about a small army for show or maybe the odd game...

  7. Congratulations! It is indeed a great hobby to be stuck in! And the diversity of your blog is wonderful, 300 posts of everything is something to be proud of.
    You know if you decide not to collect AoS, I'm sure you could turn that fellow into a nice VIIIth/IXth legion counts-as jetbike...

    1. That would be one hell of a Jetbike!

    2. Hahaha the jetbike to end all other! I'm glad you like diversity, I really enjoy drawing inspiration from blogs I follow, the amount of times I see something cool and I just go "I want to do that!" is the start of all my projects mostly...
