Friday 10 June 2016

Horus Heresy Alpha Legion - Building in Bulk

Howdy all,

After much chat and little to show on my Alpha Legion 30k army they are now built! I have always planned to have this army entirely built and then to paint it over a single month or maybe two. Now that time is at hand! As it happens I have the next 10-11 days off and even with lots of activity planned I should be able to make a great deal of progress on this. 

But just for today I have the whole army undercoated in black to show you. They will be 80-90% undercoated in leadbelcher after this then a final undercoat of 70% in skull white. This should provide an excellent base for me to start layering Coelia greenshade over the top of it.

Peace out,



  1. Looks like an evil list to face!

    1. I will have the list up this month for you to peruse, its certainly not a friendly list but there are some easy counters to it if you know its coming. Or you know, you're Eldar.

  2. Really looking forward to seeing this come together.

  3. Can't wait to see how the paint scheme progresses!

    1. After seeing your scheme I've decided to add a hint of metallic flavour to it as yours looks so nice!

  4. Man, there is some potent stuff in that force. I'm looking forward to seeing those flyers painted; sooo much dakka.

    1. Ahh the things I am most scared of painting!
