Monday 14 September 2015

Converted Age of Sigmar Dark Angel Captain of the Lion Guard

Hi Readers,

I was all geared up to get back to painting my Death Company today until I sat down, opened the pot of khorne red and it back flipped out of my hand and all over my tshirt. So, ruined tshirt and no paint!!! So in a quandary I decided to do some idle conversion work. I'm not a massive fan of the Company Master model that comes with Dark Vengeance and which I got in my bundle buy, so I thought I would make use of the Lion imagery on the Age of sigmar models to make a cool looking HQ. 

Scale shot with dark vengeance librarian, forge world apothecary conversion, sigmarine

There is still plenty of green stuff to tidy up on the model but I really like him so far. I've started writing a little fluff to go with him that I will expand upon in a future post I'm sure. Anyway, thoughts welcome!

I'm already deviating from my to-do list.... Damn it!

Peace out,



  1. That guy's looking great! I think I'm going to have to steal that idea for a Vulkan conversion :D

    1. Thanks man! I think for a one off imposing figure in an army they are a great source material for conversions. Don't think I would convert anything but terminators out of them otherwise though. Vulkan sounds awesome!

    2. I'm thinking of using some Liberators as Honour Guard. Figure they can be heroically huge and still have it reasonable as well. Gonna need to make a new Kantor to go along with them, tho, or he's gonna end up dwarfed by his retinue ;)

  2. Pretty cool. I like the greenstuff tabbard you have sculpted at his front. My only reservation is he might be a little large compared to your other marines?

    1. Haha the tabard is already there, I was actually applying liquid green stuff to smooth off the scales :P though I will take the compliment readily...

      He's too big to be used for anything other than an imposing HQ, but I think the Librarian in the picture is an example of a fairly small HQ, when I measure Astorath from his heel (because his feet point down) to the top of his heas he is only 2mm shorter than this guy, he's just not as bulky. So I think for Chapter Master status, which despite captain in the post title. he will be, it should be ok.

      Hopefully I can convince you with a kick ass paint job :D

  3. Flipping awesome Rob. And he's not too big Nafnaf! Rule of cool man! Rule of @!$)(!&* cool!
