Sunday 20 September 2015

Space Wolves - I'm going to be a contributor!

Hi Readers,

No doubt many of you are aware of the Space Wolves blog run by Adam Smith. If you aren't then you can find it on my blog roll down the right hand side ---->> hint hint nudge nudge. Adam has made a massively popular and extremely excellent blog which centres solely on the wild kin of Fenris with battle reports, tactica, conversion guides and more. He recently put out a call for other contributors to help him keep up the good work, and after a few exchanged emails I have been added as a writer to his blog roll! I plan mainly to contribute tactica articles written from the enemies perspective. I.e. I will describe counter tactics for my armies when facing Thunderwolf cavalry for example and then show how I space wolf player could counter this, either through deployment, duality, redundancy or tactics.

This is very exciting for me. As I progress through my current career path as a bio-medical researcher, I become more and more aware of the ceiling to the progression you can make. This comes in the form of limited grant money, limited fellowships, limited lectureships and basically limited everything! This makes competition for all these jobs extremely fierce, and whilst I have a pretty damn good CV, so do many others. Incidentally if anyone is curious I can post a link to some of my academic publications should you want to see what I do?

With this in mind I have decided to focus quite a bit more effort on writing for this blog and writing for other blogs as much as I can. I feel this would be a good string to my bow should I wish to go for any editorial jobs within science or even if I wanted to take a completely different route all together. I hope you'll jump over to Adam's blog and see all the great things he's got to offer, and if you have any general advice for increasing my reach, getting on to other blogs, or even would be happy for me to write on your blog please do chime in and let me know. All advice is taken kindly with great thanks :). 

That's all for now folks!

Peace out,



  1. Cool beans Rob :), I shall wait for your articles with interest.

    It is defiantely a good thing to have this hobby to talk about for interviews ect. I recently had one where I had to give a presentation on one of my hobbies, what it was about, how I was involved ect. They were really impressed with the models, blogging ect and how I was involved. I got the job at the end too :).

    If you fancy doing some articles for my blog I would not say no ;)

    1. Thanks for that Naff, its great to hear of this translating into a benefit beyond the enjoyment of doing it :)

      Congrats on getting the job as well (if it was any time recently double congrats!)

      I would love to write the odd thing for your blog, if you have anything in particular you want holes filling on then just chuck me a message on here or on TDC :)

  2. Good luck!

    As a reader of Wolves´s blog, I am waiting your tactical writes!

    1. Many thanks Wolfen! I hope you enjoy my writings wherever you find them :)

  3. Excellent! I look forward to seeing your articles over there. I was considering applying to write over there, but I feel like I should cut through the hassles I've been dealing with and actually get my own updating semi-regularly first.

    1. Yes more updating from you please man! I hope you enjoys my articles over there as much as here.

  4. Looking forward to this dude, I'm a wolves player and read Adam's blog a lot, it's a great resource which I'm sure you will improve with your articles :)

  5. Awesome! Just don't tell them too many secrets, we need to beat them sometimes ;-) I still feel the pain of a loss I had against Space Wolves back in my last 2nd Edition tournament (...sooo many assault cannons... sustained fire dice everywhere...).

    I feel your pain when it comes to work too. I was performing cancer research when the GFC hit and the jobs just evaporated. Suddenly all of these very experienced people with hundreds of publications were flooding the job market. Drop us a link, I'd love to take a look at your "other" work :-)

    1. Thanks Marc!! I think despite my best efforts I will be unlikely to give good enough advice for all situations so be weird and they won't know what hit them :P

      When I remember I'll chuck a link :)

  6. Good luck with the expansion in your blog empire ;) I've written a couple of posts about improving the reach of a blog, they're on my Community page. It boiled down to blogging networks aren't that great anymore, you really have to go out on forums and social media groups and push, push, push. This can feel a bit grubby sometimes and also requires a fair bit of effort but I've seen more dividends to readership from those efforts than any other activities. Recently though I found all the 'blog soliciting' too much effort which may explain the drop in views, but you have to balance your commitments otherwise you risk losing them altogether.

    1. Empire indeed :P Did not know those posts were there, I think they'll be much help.

      I think I will probably do a bit of plugging, but it doesn't come naturally so will be unlikely to go full throttle. I'm not actually a naturally upbeat person so it gets very tiring!

      Thanks again Dave, look forward to seeing you at Blog Wars X in the not too distant future!
