Friday 16 October 2015

Ezekiel - Dark Angels Master Librarian - Completed

So say we all,

Here we are with my finished Ezekiel from HiTech miniatures. I am considering some freehand for the large open areas on his back and possibly atop his psychic hood cathedral head, but I need to do a lot of practice on some spare bits of plastic before I so much as touch those bits with a brush. Otherwise I'd just ruin the damn model with some ugly squiggly lines!

Overall I'm happy with how he turned out and I'm particularly pleased with the OSL on the ground and bushed which feels like it gives it a lot more depth. Now that Ezekiel is complete, I can actually field my Librarius Conclave should I wish!! But I only have the Bike Mounted Librarian to complete and then all 5 of them are done and they can really rock out as both a power house in a Dark Angels Army but also as an allied formation to my blood angels. 

Thoughts are, as always, welcome :)

Peace out,



  1. Looking very good indeed, the OSL is particularly impressive, it's not something I've ever managed to get the hang of properly - I think I need to start watching a few painting tutorial videos!

    Let me know how the conclave gets on when you do field them, I've got about 4 libbies at the moment but am looking to add a bike mounted one at some point.

    1. Thanks Nick, I think I used a tutorial from fromthewarp to get my head around OSL, if I find the one I used I will chuck it your way.

      I'm really excited for using the Librarius Conclave, particularly being a psychic novice. Hoping to use them in december for a game or two

  2. He looks really Good Rob. You should be proud of him, your painting is really progressing in leaps and bounds :)

    1. Thanks Naff! The blog and all the feedback I get on here as helped tremendously in improving my painting and modelling, so double thanks to ye!
