Friday 21 April 2017

Raging Heroes - Imperial Militia

Hey hang,

Just a quick post today. I'm painting up a chunk of Raging Heroes miniatures to act as an all female imperial militia. Much like the Shattered Legion, I won't be pouring my heart and soul into each and every miniature as I am more concerned with getting a decent looking army on the table to have fun with. I will be putting special attention on the HQs and the like however. 

Just a single sniper today working the scheme up. I haven't developed the scheme myself, but there is a very good reason for that, and I will divulge the reasons eventually!

Hopefully be painting up a good chunk of these over the next week, there will be 15 in total in 3 x 5 man squads. 

Peace out,



  1. Looking great man. I picked up a few TGG myself to run as female guard. GW needs to step up on this.

    Models are great, but i had priming problems over the mold release agent. You?

    1. Yeah I had the same problem mate, I used washing up liquid and bicarbonate of soda to wash and then I sprayed them with a little artist fixing spray before undercoat and that seems to have done the job!

  2. Love that dynamic pose! Good job
