Monday 10 April 2017

Zone Mortalis Games are Coming...

Hey everyone,

We have been very very lucky in our local gaming area, as our main club - Bristol Independent Gaming - has bought a full Zone Mortalis board from Forge World recently! Even better a regular gaming partner and all round good guy Toby has offered to paint the damn thing!

So, coming fairly soon I should hopefully be playing, and reporting on, a good amount of Zone Mortalis games! I'm really looking forward to taking some striking pictures of corridor combat and building some juicy narrative around these encounters. 

Fortunately my shattered legion happens to give me some interesting choices for Zone Mortalis and my mechanicum should also fair pretty well in that regard. So here is Toby's first tile all painted up just to give you an idea of whats coming this way :)


Peace out,



  1. Looks great. I especially love the ATM murder scene...good dark humor moment that is!

    1. Yes! That's my favourite part as well, Toby has got it spot on

  2. Love some Zone Mortalis. Looking forward to this.

  3. ZM is one of the big draws for me to 30k as is. So cool to see you will be able to give us some battle reports in it.

    1. Yeah, I think they should be an easier to manage amount of info as well with the smaller sizes. Plus some really cinematic shots I hope!

  4. Nice! I've been thinking of scratch-building some ZM Terrain. I love the system.

    1. Have you seen Maze of the Dead? Some very cool and reasonably priced Mortalis board
