Saturday 26 December 2015

Drop Pod Progress - hazard stripes

Hey hey hey,

Having arrived back early this morning I resolved to begin the task I'd been putting off for such a long time, and tape and paint up the hazard stripes for my Dark Angel Devastators drop pod. The black needs to be touched up to clean all the yellow overspill but even now they look pretty good. Tamiya modelling tape is a god send for anyone that want to do hazard stripes at this sort of size and I would happily suggest you pick up a couple of packs with different width tape to play around with.

Peace out,



  1. For my stripes it's a pencil line and I use wooden coffee stirrers as the thickness using both sides then move the stick. I've always been wary of masking tape, I'm convinced paint will bleed underneath or I press too hard to prevent it and then pull the paint off when I remove the tape. I'm sure it's better than that but I can't shake the doubt.

    1. I can't recommend tamiya tape enough, really well balanced adhesive that doesn't effect the paint underneath at all, you can get lots of widths and I think with patience and skill could be used to make much more intricate patterns too.

  2. The stripes look great on there. I've looked at Tamiya's tape before but haven't got around to trying it yet

    1. Thanks dude, I've actually started the line highlighting stage now so not too far to go finally!
