Sunday 6 December 2015

Dark Angels Scout Squad/Recon Squad - Complete

Hi Everybody!

So I have had a really productive weekend and I have finished off my scouts! After some comments on google+ (which is great by the way if you like cool 40k groups!) I decided to gillie suit up my scouts and make them absolutely proper camouflaged. I'm really happy with the result, I think they look like they would actually be sneaky... you know for 7ft superhumans anyway....

Because I opted to use the Anvil industry recon squad for my 40k Dark Angels and because I am using the same basing scheme for my 30k Dark Angels, these guys will double up nicely for 30k recon marines which is cool!

I think they look the business anyway! Thoughts always appreciated :)

Peace out,



  1. They look fantastic and very functional; make sure you remember to shoot with them! I have forgotten that my camouflaged scouts are on the board a few times :-)

    1. I was thinking something similar. These are definitely one of those Units that's going to be easy to lose track of on certain boards ;)

    2. I hadn't considered this but now its been pointed out I'm bound to lose one! I can only hope my enemy forgets they are there and I don't!

  2. Looking good dude. Liking the gillie suits a lot :). You are smashing through these dark Angels. You will be finished in no time :)

    1. Thanks Naf :) I have a fair few greenwing to go through and a wee little Ravenwing detachment. I'm hoping my mid Feb they will all be done though :)

  3. Excellent work - reminds me of call of duty in Chernobyl!

    1. Yes! Stalker, shadow of chernobyl now springs to mind as well

  4. I really like the flock on the camo cloaks, it's very effective.

    1. It was a bit nerve wracking super gluing it on, but turned out a nice and easy technique, I'm half tempted to have lots of scouts now because of how easy they were to paint :P
