Thursday 21 January 2016

More Forgeworld Teasing - Coming soon!

Good morrow peoples!

Today I shall tease you once more with a promise of things to come... Behold!!! Below lies a box of forgeworld goodies that I received a little while ago. I've waited this long to post the picture up so that I had time to build a few things from the box and start undercoating them.

These things vary from small to large and I am sure the eagle eyed among you may be able to read the labels of some of these. There is a healthy mix of things for existing armies and the birth of another new one. This is my final spending on actual models for likely the better part of this year, and I will be restricting purchases to paints and other equipments for the hobby. But I have MOAR than enough to keep me going.

Be sure to keep an eye out next week for a few shots of the first built models to take the stage!

Peace out,



  1. Awesome. I have a secret project coming soon too :). Looking forward to what you do with all that resin goodness

    1. Oh my, when Naf has a secret project then the world shall be blessed! I am much excited dude :)

  2. Me too, I've enough for around 2-3 years, I just have the urge to spend though :( But I need to complete stuff so I can justify moving onto other things...

    1. Perhaps you should start a Games-Workshop Anonymous 12 step program Dave... I might have to join at the rate I appear to be going..

      Though I am resolved to be done for some time now! Resolved I say!

  3. We all have that urge Dave! My next project is not so secret, but I am determined to save up and buy it in a splurge rather than bits at a time. I'm looking forward to having so many boxes to open all at once!

    1. You are certainly getting some excellent diversity on your table top Nick!
