Friday, 30 November 2018

A Gentleman's Disagreement - Golden Demon Finalist - Duel Category

Hey hey hey,

I spent a few evenings over a fortnight working on a little Duel diorama to enter into a Golden Demon at Warhammer World this month. You can see the stages of genesis below as well as the finished piece. 

I really enjoyed building this little world and giving it character and unspoken story, it really kind of sang to my creative side in a way I didn't expect. Joyfully it also garnered me a second Golden Demon Finalist Pin (Pictured at the end). 

Quite disappointingly however, Magnus the Red got dismissed to the bottom shelf dramatically early on in the judging. This wouldn't bother me such had it not been for spending about 10x the hours on Magnus than I did on this Duel!! The standard was, as always, pretty mind blowing, so after some sulking and reflection I am still very happy to come away with a finalist pin and be sitting at 2 finalist pins out of 2 Golden Demons. 

Going forward I think I will be concentrating on Duels and Dioramas now though, from both an enjoyment perspective and that I think I stand a marginally better chance of placing in those categories. 

Anyway, pictures!

Oh, I'm also Dr Rob Hill now!!! I've finally finished my PhD, I just have to actually attend my graduation, but all the paperwork is in now and I can join the esteemed company of Mike and Marc with their big noggins!

As always, if you've stopped by to have a nose I am very grateful and I'm always hoping to become more regular at blogging. It is amazing how quickly you can slip out of it. 

Peace out,


Saturday, 13 October 2018

Magnus the Red - Golden Demon Entry

Hello hello hello,

I've been very very busy painting Magnus the Red and here is the finished Primarch himself!! This will be a Golden Demon Entry for me at some point, I'd like to enter him into the Nov 25th Golden Demon but I'm struggling to get a lift up to Nottingham from Bristol so it seems unlikely right now. 

I don't think he is good enough to place in the top three of any Golden Demon Event, but I'm quite confident that he would make it as a finalist. 

Thoughts and opinions on his painting and chances in any painting competitions is always welcome! I'm very pleased with him, Magnus feels like a real step forward in the right direction towards getting a Golden Demon Trophy of any colour. 

Peace out,


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Vampire Lord Complete and Magnus...Did NOTHING WRONG

Hello again,

Quite the industrious week for me in terms of posting. Twice eh! Blimey. I've been beetling along with me Vampire Lord and I am reasonably happy with where he is now. He is a practise piece for various concepts which includes the base (more below). So here he is done, sans basing. 

For the basing, I'm going to make him into a little diorama as I have no intention of collecting vampires for AoS unless they re-do the blood knights. I've ordered some bats and swiped a mausoleum for the garden of morr set on eBay. The vampire lord will be astride the bats as they smash out of the roof of the mausoleum, which will itself be half buried in a dirt mound with zombies crawling from the grounds. Exciting!

In other news, the techniques practised here are now being put into action on their original target - Magnus. Here's a quick look at where I got to last night.

Obviously as huge way to go, but will pootle on as we go!

Peace out,


Thursday, 20 September 2018

Vampire Lord - Practising Painting

Fancy meeting you here!

Oh so long since my last post. Forgive me for I have sinned. Prioritising real life always makes me resent not being able to hobby for a living... Anyway I have now submitted my PhD and I am awaiting my viva on Friday the 16th of November. However, in other good news I am also fairly certain I will be moving to Nottingham for a post doc in the new year and so be right by the hobby mecca!

Anyway, enough of that. I have been trying out other painting techniques in my spare time (as well as painting for Winters Seo) on spar miniatures I have lying around. So here we are with my Vampire Lord. I'm thinking of making him into a diorama. 

Thoughts my friends?

Peace out,
