Thursday 29 December 2016

The Legion of the Damned Return!

Hey all,

Whilst I've been getting settled in my new place I didn't want to work on commission models, as I just wanted to get into a nice groove before throwing my weight behind getting the Dark Angels and Assassins finished (hopefully both by January end!).

And so after finding them in a pile of detritus on my old desk I dusted off the Legion of the Damned and set to work on getting some more of them painted up! This comes at a nice time as despite having no other 40k miniatures to speak of, I was bought Codex: Imperial Agents for Christmas, and whilst some people have a dim view of it, as a fluff junky I love it! It certainly doesn't do for competitive 40k at all but I think I'll enjoy fiddling around with it and making a fluffy army with bits and bobs from all over the place, these guys included :).

The metals and bone are largely done on these chaps, as is the wax of the purity seals. However the black, flames and eyes all still need doing along with a bit of post hoc drilling (still at the old place!) and some weathering too for the melta. I've gone off these bases and so once all 10 are completed they will be getting (very carefully) clipped off and put on to some resin cast bases. 

Peace out,


Tuesday 27 December 2016

Ravenwing Commission Test Model - Complete

Hey all,

I hope you had a very merry christmas and all got loads of models to beef up your collections!! I've been doing a little painting now that I've started to set up shop in my new flat, but still rooting around in boxes for that one piece that I swear I packed somewhere! But anyway, for the Dark Angels commission that I've been getting on with I've finished my tester for the Ravenwing. Steering clear of the just black/white and trying to tie it in to the Deathwing force more with greens and creams.

I'm very pleased with how this chap has turned out and I'm hoping to get through the Ravenwing a damn sight quicker than I've been sloping through the Termies!

Peace out,


Sunday 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas and a New Start!

Merry Christmas All!

Here's a quick snap of my work in progress new work station :) the drawers are full of all my paints and projects :D

Peace out,


Thursday 22 December 2016

Well well.. What do we have here?

Just a little teaser picture for something coming up. There will be a written and video review of the contents in the new year ;)

I'm sure the keen eyed amongst you will figure it out :P

Peace out,


Wednesday 21 December 2016

Old Project - Daemon Prince

Howdy howdy,

I've been trying to get rid of this beast for a while now but I have failed spectacularly to shift him. Then with the release of Traitor's Hate I decided to actually re-start this project as a Daemon Prince from the original traitor legions. Obviously plenty of green stuff work is required but we'll get there I'm sure!

This is the definitive Daemon prince sculpt for me and I think it is incredible. 

Peace out,


Tuesday 20 December 2016

Deathwing Standard Bearer - Nearly Complete...ish

Hi all,

Another Deathwing on the go now. Not happy with the banner, really struggling with it, but shall persevere and see how we do! Thoughts would be most welcome.

 Trying to get a battered look to the banner but just getting mucky I feel. Anyway, thoughts?

Peace out,


Monday 19 December 2016

Eversor Assassin - Its all about the bass

Hi again!

Who doesn't know and love this piece of art eh!? Cracking blast from the past! Anyway, I've been moving on to another commission as a break from just Dark Angel crazy! Because of the crazy destructive properties of the Eversor I decided to go with rust and decay!

Expect a lot more work and some blood splatter!

Peace out,


Sunday 18 December 2016

F.A.T Mat Liquidation sale!

Hey all,

As the above shows, Frontline Gaming are liquidating their fat mat stocks so you can get a cheap deal! These mats are great so get them while they are in stock!

Peace out,


Ravenwing Biker - Test Scheme

Hey hey,

Incidentally, the above picture is one of my favourite bits of 40k artwork, just love it. So as part of my Dark Angels Commission I have some Ravenwing to paint as well as the Deathwing. As I am nearing the end of the basic Deathwing Terminators, I wanted to have a little break from painting them and concentrate on the blacker side of life. 

Putting together this test scheme I was keen to stay away from the basic black and white of the Ravenwing and put my own spin on it that would also tie in to the bulk of the clients force which is Deathwing. I decided to make it more of a beaten grey/black and use bone and green to unify the two forces.

This chap has only just taken a nuln oil wash to the face so there is a crap tonne left to go on here. But I am happy with how the scheme is progressing! Expect to see red crop up as eyes, headlight and plasma to tie it further into the colours seen in the Deathwing. 

Let me know what you think!

Peace out,


Saturday 17 December 2016

Deathwing Apothecary - Complete

Hey all,

You might be seeing a trend in my painting schedule at the moment... But fear not! Ravenwing are coming tomorrow! Or at least one is as I start to lay down the scheme for them on a test model :) But for now enjoy some pictures of a Deathwing apothecary!

Still plenty of Deathwing to come overall, with 4 more normal dudes to paint, 5 Deathwing Knights, 2 x independent characters AND then I have 2 x Dreadnoughts and 2 x Land Raiders to paint :/ hoping I can get them done in a good time for the client. I initially said the end of January for them and the Ravenwing, but real life is conspiring against me!

Peace out,


Friday 16 December 2016

Deathwing - A Before and After Re-paint

Hey people of the tubes!

So when I took on the Deathwing commission, I was given a painted example that the client was happy with so I could work off it. I asked the client if he'd like to keep it as is like a little memento to his mate, but he said to repaint it and so I thought I'd show you some before and after pictures :)



So not drastically different and a little detail has been lost due to that extra few layers of paint, but I thought you'd all appreciate seeing the same model in two slightly different styles of the same overall scheme :)

Peace out,
