I'm back from working in San Diego for a while and here we are with the big daddy all complete. I'm pretty pleased with how he has come out. I feel like he shows a slight shift towards where I want to be regarding competing in the big leagues of painting, but still a long way to go along that road.
I really enjoyed doing all the various fleshtones and such like; though at the end of the day I am glad to not have him sat on my bed side table (only place I had space for his wings) glowering at me...
I have some more Death Guard coming up, as well as some Aeldari and a secret projects for Mr Winters.
I'll also be detailing what my entries for next years Warhammer Fest Golden Demon will be! I have being drawing ideas and sketches abound and I'll go through a few of them in written form soon. Feedback on the concept before I get started will inevitably make the composition better.
Peace out,