Tuesday 21 March 2017

Building Site - Imperial Knight and others....

Hey all,

Now that the Night Lords have vacated my premises (didn't give so much as a by your leave) I now have time and space to crack on with my Heresy armies primarily. I am very keen to finish off the armies that I have mostly complete, which constitutes the Mechanicum and my Shattered Legion. 

I DO however also have a desire to make some headway on my (nearly) entirely third party parts Imperial Militia force as well... So here are a few pictures of some building and painting headway I made last night. I am hoping that the Imperial Knight will be finished this week and then I can start on my counts as Anacharis Scoria using the Belisarius Cawl model!

And the first nudge at my Imperial Militia...

Peace out,



  1. Love the shoulder style cannon. That is genius!

    1. I had to figure out how to mount it so that I could have the two hands on this fella and it seemed appropriate, cheers Greg :)

  2. IKs are pretty deceptive as far as completion time goes, be careful! Looking forward to how your own Scoria turns out too; I somehow wish Cawl was around before I built one XD

    1. Nah! Your Scoria has a special place in my display cabinet, infinitely more unique and grim than a cawl will ever be :)
