Monday 13 March 2017

Night Lords Land Raider Commission - WIP

Hey all,

Another quick update today on the Night Lords. Pictures are a little squiffy as I took them very early and in a rush for work! Little bits of tidying up to do as well as the lights on this bugger but nearly done! Just got some wrecked imperial knight terrain to work on (and some lightning on the other Night Lords) then I can send all this stuff back to its owner!

This tank has re-affirmed my hatred of painting flat open spaces. I'm just not all that good at it!

Peace out,



  1. Looks striking all the same mate! I on the other hand can't wait to get painting some tanks again - I've been doing a lot of infantry recently!

    1. You enjoy painting drop pods though. That's just wrong mate, just so very wrong

  2. Looking very well. You are moving at a fair pace there.

    1. Built up some steam and motivation to get these and my own stuff done of late, feel invigorated to knock some projects on the head as finished.

      I'll need the time and space with all the Dark Angels that are coming...
