Friday, 1 April 2016

The Legio Cybernetica Cohort - The Earth Trembles as Iron Walks to Victory

Hi Guys and Gals,

After my early morning update, here are some more pictures of the now completed 1750 points Legio Cybernetica Cohort. Im afraid my light box is at work as I am employing the electrical workshop to help rig more LEDs to it! So the pictures aren't top notch it has to be said. But enjoy nonetheless :)

Hopefully I will be able to live blog some pictures over the weekend from the tournament for you guys!

Peace out,



  1. Good stuff. Looking forward to hearing how you get on.

  2. That second pic in particular, with the head-on view of the Tech Priest, is just great. Very technotechno.

  3. Beautifully done, man! I'm really digging 'em!

  4. They look great, even better in real life

  5. Thanks to everyone for the kind words on the models and the good luck vibe! Tournament report up today :)
