Monday 8 August 2016

Solar Auxilia Veletaris - First mini finished

Greetings Friends!

Just an update on my Solar Auxilia as they seemed the most popular in my run down the other day! Feast your eyes and comment away! The base is supposed to be trodden gardens and the like in a city during siege.

Peace out,



  1. Love it pal! You bringing them up for club night on the 18th or a different list?

    1. Death Company are making the trip! I've been ill of late so may not make it up for the club night as need to make up some hours ideally :( will message you soon mate!

    2. Gah, no! And there was me with a plan to overindulge with a wetherspoons breakfast on the Friday! Oh well, they let you in on your own, right?

  2. This is fantastic, how much highlights go on after the wash? It seems deceptively simple, but really, really effective. I totally love this, the entire force is something I'm becoming increasingly envious of, in part because I know if it was mine I'd add more [unneccessary] highlights to it, making it less realistic :)

    1. After reading your comment I took some pictures to show the minis at most painting stages which should be up thursday-friday-ish... In brief, the base colour is carrabourg crimson over leadbelcher spray, weathering with brown and silver, metal and black painted, silver weather on none cloth black bits, nuln oil wash, then mephiston red drybrush/stipple on the armour with rune fang over it. Brass has 3 different drybrushed layers, balthasar gold, scyorax bronze, auric armour gold. Runefang and dark reaper over metal black bits and just dark reaper on black cloth bits.

      Thanks Dave, means a lot!

  3. Damn rob, that is great! I love the metals you do, they are really gritty but look fantastic at the same time. Is it just washes, or is there a secret sauce to the technique? Love the osl too, you have that nailed now.

    1. Thanks Naff :) its funny as I ended up going for gritty because I didn't think I'd ever be able to get clean like you do you know! The brassy metal is base coat, wash, 3 x dryrbush highlights. I do make the brushes by cutting size 0-1 brushes though so they are tiny!

  4. Niiiiiiiice! I really dig how that turned out - beautifully done.

    1. Thanks man! I'm hoping to be moving stateside late 2017 so I'll give your 1k sons a challenge ;)
