Sunday 10 July 2016

Selling Dark Angels - A Heads Up

Hi Gang,

Recently I have played nothing but 30k, and I've just come to decide that 40k doesn't hold my love anymore as a game in its current state. The world and the fluff still transfix me and fill me with great amounts of enjoyment, but I just don't have the desire to invest in it as a system right now. 

30k both as a local meta and within the rules themselves is just more fun for me. With that in mind I am going to be selling off my Dark Angels miniatures. I will put up a thorough post of what I am selling next weekend. 

If you are interested in purchasing any of my stuff please email me, I'd much rather sell to a reader at a lower cost than a randomer.

Peace Out



  1. Lovely Dark Angels, but I just don't have a need for another 40k army, soz. Hope you find a nice home for them

    1. Thanks Siph, hopefully someone else thinks the same!

  2. Great looking stuff. In particular I like the libby on the okd school bike. Sadly funds will not allow.
    Good luck on the sale.

  3. I wish buddy ;-) I don't think the exchange rate would be very kind to me, though!

    1. Haha I dunno, now would probably be the best time :P oh UK such fools!

    2. Our currencies are too closely linked, we drop when you drop AND its only worth half as much!

  4. I'll throw them up on twitter as well Rob!
