Saturday 1 April 2017

Sons of Horus Heavy Weapons Team - WIP

Hey y'all!

Been working on my shattered legion again today, should have the entire 2500 points complete by mid-April I expect, which should give me some time to give over attention to my Imperial Militia force! These guys aren't complete but also aren't far off it. I've got a command squad of Sons of Horus Legionaries to build and paint as well that will get more attention than these guys, plus the big dude himself (you know who I mean...) that will get an entire weekend dedicated to him methinks!

On top of this I also have 3 world eater jetbikes that are on my desk currently to paint and that will be the whole army done then! Oh scratch that, I have to build a World Eater Centurion as well so I can take the Sons, Emps Children and World Eaters in one force!

I'm in a bit of a rush today, hence the lower quality pictures, but once they are totally complete you'll get some better ones I promise :)

Peace out,



  1. They look fantastic, a lovely dark green scheme and the orange/red spot colours stand out nicely. Out of curiosity, are those legs from a other company? They have a really heavy lol which i think works really nicely for heavy support troopers.

    1. Thanks :) the legs are from Anvil Industry I had lying around. I picked them exactly because they are heavy looking

  2. Good stuff, man - they've got a great sense of weight to 'em!

    1. I really like the Kromlech guns, the lowness to the ground makes them look weighty and difficult to shift
