Sunday 2 April 2017

World Eater Rampagers - Finished and Bloody

Good day to thee,

A little adjustment here and there and then just had to stick them on their bases and cover them in gore! I enjoy splattering blood over miniatures a bit much, but I'm only going crazy on the World Eaters given it is sort of their modus operandi! I'e got 3 World Eater jetbikes in the works and I'm reasonably happy with how the white, blue and brass have come out on these guys so I'm pretty set with the scheme.

I've also got a World Eaters Centurion to build up as well, so I'm thinking of how to have fun with that and make him very "hands on" so to speak!

So soon I should have a group shot on my table of the whole shattered legion force! I'll also be taking pictures of the full Solar Auxilia force and when I get Belisarius Cawl painted up as my Anacharis Scoria then I'll be taking pictures of them too. That'll be a total of 9,250 points of Horus Heresy goodness complete!

Hopefully you'll be looking forward to that!

Peace out,



  1. Bloody good work there! You have captured the essence of their savagery with your painting.

    1. I do enjoy the blood splatter, I think I've got the old technique down now!

  2. I somehow wish the rest of the shattered legion would look this... savage! Very, very nice indeed.

    1. I am quite fancying expanding these guys into a small skirmish force of Loyalist World Eaters... so you might get some more!

  3. Gorgeous work, man - Love how those turned out!

    1. Thanks! I'm always unsure when painting white, the secret being to cover it in blood obviously :P
