Sunday 25 September 2016

Army picture of Current Solar Auxilia Force

Hey gang,

Not the best pictures but I didn't want to spend time fiddling with a proper set up till I had more of the army painted, but here we have my currently finished Solar Auxilia! One more Dracosan to add very soon and then the next port of call will be another squad of 10 volkite veletaris, 2 more Dracosans and a command squad before moving back on to some super heavies!

Peace out,



  1. Dark and broody. Gonna need decent pics to see your hard work tho. Ooh, some super heavies? Shadowsword for D fun?

    1. Yeah I am hoping to get the vast majority of my 3000 point force finished if not actually finished by the end of October and set up a proper lighting for the army. The tanks are going to need a big space!

      I've got a Macharius Omega and the plasma variant of the baneblade in the wings ;)

  2. Yes, very dark until that gigantic flame cannon lights up!

    1. Its a good job I have a second one coming to light the way :P
