Thursday 24 November 2016

Legio Cybernetica - The Final Builds Begin

Howdy peoples,

Today marks the return of the Legio Cybernetica to my work bench. After knocking out 3000 point in the first half of this year I stumbled with the final 3 models as I got a bit burnt out painting the yellow. I've now found the motivation to get the final 3 models from this force painted and call them complete! I have a Knight Paladin to finish building and paint, a Calix-class Thanatar (big lascannon and sledge hammer fist) to just build and paint from the bag. And then I had a Domitar chassis to convert to an Arlatax. 

So here is my (very very simple) conversion of a Domitar :)

Peace out,



  1. Very cool! I really dig that build, man - good stuff!

  2. It looks ace, that claw hand makes a difference. You also added a jump pack?

    1. I'm really pleased with the claw, makes it look mean and the fluff has them down as fairly malevolent automatas. Yeah man they are jump monstrous creatures :D

  3. Are you going to add assault cannon type barrels on the wrist guns? If you get a single Assault Cannon and cut it into two and drill out barrels, a short stubby AC poking out would look awesome?

    1. Afraid not! Though as these are supposed to be cybernetic constructs with particular maleficent personalities this will be painted in a different scheme to the rest of my army to make it stand out. It is going to be run with the paragon of metal special rule to make it as independent as much as possible.

  4. what jetpack did you end up using?

    1. Just a standard marine jet pack that I cut in half, and then I just cut some plasticard fins for go faster-ness :P
