Monday 12 October 2015

Ezekiel painting begins

Hi peoples of the tubes,

I've begun painting work on my counts as Ezekiel an its been a very pleasant model to paint, a good mix of detail to paint and nice open surfaces as well, nothing too fiddly at all. Though I did find a few small bubble holes in some cables whilst painting but they aren't noticeable really. I previously showed him with both a thunder hammer and then a bolt pistol in his left hand. After all that I thought he needed more Dark Angel flavour to really make him be OK for an Ezekiel, so I used the terminator sword arm from the Dark Angel Veteran Sprue to get that across which I think has worked out nicely.

And after washes:

Comments always welcome :)

Peace out



  1. Was it just a black wash on the blue? I've found sepia followed be a Devlan equivalent make much richer looking shadows. It helps create that sea blue effecton my nids, but also managed to achieve something richer on my own librarian:

    1. Yeah it was Dave, unfortunately by the time I read this comment I'd already layered up all of the blue, but I do like the depth on your librarian, I've still got one more to go for the Librarius Conclave so think I will try a seraphim sepia/agrax earthshade combo on his armour. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I'm not actually a huge fan of the base model (the Psychic Hood comes across as too tall and blocky for my taste), but you've done a very nice job with the paint on it.

    1. Yeah they are overly large, but I quite enjoy the ridiculous cathedral aesthetic of it :P which you should hopefully realise later this month if a project of mine gets off the ground. This fella should be finished in a few days so you can see what he looks like completed. Ta again :)

    2. I like the cathedral look as well. This would be a fun model to remake with modern parts, trying to match the old aesthetic!

    3. If you like the cathedral aesthetic then look out for a WIP vehicle coming up ;)
