Thursday 1 October 2015

The Knight Commander Cometh - Mounted Praetor/Company Master

Hi all,

I received my Lord Celestant mounted yesterday and I just had to put him together and convert him. Below is my work so far, chaos bits again used like in my Knights of Old Caliban conversions, but also a mortarch head swapped on to the mount and I've tried to cyber it up a bit with leg mechanics a power tube on his face as well as a cabled tail with a chain sword at the end. He's equipped with a power fist and either a relic blade or a paragon blade. I also plan to mount a storm shield on the side of the saddle so it looks like he could just un-holster it.

Thoughts always welcome :)

Peace out,



  1. That is stunning, it really would make an awesome Sammael, just imagine his 'Battle cat' leaping over stuff to represent the skimmer. Now I want to do this instead of getting the actual model, this is so much better, more of a character piece. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks dude! Means a lot coming from someone with skills such as you, I can't wait to get paiinting him. Though unfortunately my Death Company are really struggling to compete for my attention as a result, need to get them painted!

  2. This is awesome all around, but what really grabs me is the chain-tail. There's nothing we can't weaponize by putting a chain-blade on it!

    1. Hahah yeah, I was looking at it and thought the tail added too much of a fantasy element and it was a little eureka moment to add that on. My house mate also very kindly unstrung his guitar for me to have the strings, turns out he has been meaning to replace them anyway so win win!

  3. I am getting mad He-Man flashbacks... this guy is pure awesome sauce.

    1. Now it is said, it shall not be unseen! Awesome image
